Moedim (Appointed Times)


In Spirit and Truth: The Seven Biblical Feasts

The Moedim – Appointed Times

There are four Spring moedim and three Fall moedim. Shabbat is also a moedim, but for simplification we will focus on the seven Major Holidays (Holy Days).

Spring Moedim

Pesach? – Passover
Hag HaMatzot? – Feast of Unleavened Bread
Yom Habikkurim? – First Fruits
Shavuot? – Festival of Weeks (Pentecost)

Fall Moedim - High Holy Days?

Yom Teruah? – Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah)
Yom Kippur? – Day of Atonement
Sukkot? – Feast of Tabernacles

Category: Moedim